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Peter Rhode Portrait 3.jpg

The idea of multiple universes has always struck a chord in my consciousness before I was even aware that this was a valid theory.

In photographs I was always more interested in the separate reality of the backgrounds, the shapes, colour combinations, the interplay of various features: human, animalistic or natural form.

When looking at composition it seems to me that sections of the painting were just as relevant in their own right, connected to but separate.

The idea of the ‘Romantic landscape’ along with the Arcadian view of the world, divorced from the blood and toil of daily life still creates a reality of its own, again connected but evolved.

The paintings of artists such as Fra Angelico and Paolo Ucello always struck me as Medieval ‘Pop Art’ images and this was always an inspiration in my early paintings of the 1970s.

The affinity of often disparate iconography, just by their placement in the picture plane, justifies their existence. These ideas have been described as a psychology of psychology. Romantic landscapes and independent realities create layers of historical development, whether of myth or landscapes weathered by time and obscured by sediment.

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